PDF | Errata are given for "The Higgs Hunter's Guide". These errata should be applied to the second printing of the book, dated 1991. The second.Errata for The Higgs Hunter's Guide. 1. On p. 30, eq. (2.25) should read: (3.7), where h is now the negatively charged Higgs boson. The Higgs Hunter's Guide is a definitive and comprehensive guide to the physics of Higgs bosons. In particular, it discusses the extended Higgs sectors The Higgs Hunter's Guide book; Higgs model; mass: top; top: mass; electroweak interaction; Higgs particle: coupling; coupling: Higgs particle Thank you utterly much for downloading Higgs Hunters Guide. Rather than enjoying a good PDF with a cup of coffee in the afternoon, instead they juggled The Higgs Hunter's Guide is a definitive and comprehensive guide to the physics of Higgs bosons. In particular, it discusses the extended Higgs sectors The Higgs Hunter's Guide is a definitive and comprehensive guide to the physics of Higgs bosons. In particular, it discusses the extended Higgs sectors
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