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The Elcometer 266 DC Holiday Detector provides accurate detection of pinholes, flaws, inclusions, thin spots and bubbles in a coating. The gauge has been Page 1 of 3 266 DC Portable Holiday Detector Can be used in accordance with: ISO Elcometer 266 DC Holiday Detector nf - · PDF fileEN14430, JIS G3491, carry case, transit case and operating instructions certificate available. C. Accessories. T23622790-1 Elcometer 236 Elcometer 266 Elcometer 280. View and Download Elcometer 266 user manual online. DC Holiday Detector. 266 security sensors pdf manual download. The equipment should be used with extreme care. Follow the instructions given in this user guide. Caution - risk of electric shock. The high voltage handle To ensure safe working and to maximise the benefits of your new Elcometer 266 DC Holiday. Detector please take some time to read these Operating Instructions. [Update-P.D.F] Elcometer 266 Manual. DOWNLOAD >>> urlme.top/Tczmj · Image with caption: · wakelet.com/wake/Xf43kILWH78rCdcsz3QWd strap and operating instructions - packed in a light weight, rugged, wheeled transit case - ideal for Elcometer 236 Elcometer 266 Elcometer 280.The Elcometer 266 DC Holiday Detector can be used to test porosity on coatings up to 7.5mm (300 mils) thick and is ideal for inspecting coatings on
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