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¿Busca un codman exercises for shoulder pdf files online? FilesLib está aquí para ayudarle a ahorrar tiempo en la búsqueda. Los resultados de la búsqueda incluyen el nombre del manual, la descripción, el tamaño y el número de páginas. Puede leer el codman exercises for shoulder pdf files online o descargarlo en su ordenador.
POSTURE : One step away from wall, feet straight ahead, Knees over shoe points, FLATTEN STOMACH, FLATTEN BACK, Chin tuck Looking straight ahead, shoulders & neck relaxed. *REACH up wall, using the wall for support. Practice _____ times, _____ times/day SUPPORT arm under elbow if needed. *USE FINGERS OF OTHER HAND TO KEEP extend the time in sling to protect the anterior shoulder if tissue quality is poor. If the patient is instructed to wear a sling for more than 6 weeks, the therapist should delay this protocol by the number of weeks in a sling beyond 6. A PDF file containing instructions and pictures for aa exercises referenced in this protocol can be printed from Lying Pendulum Exercises. This exercise helps relax the muscles of the shoulder and neck and allows for passive range of motion of the shoulder joint. It's best for people who have a difficult Pendulum / Codman Exercise Bend at the waist. Support upper body on table with _____ hand or forearm. Hang _____ arm like an Zelephant trunk and complete pendulums: 1. Front to back 2. Side to side 3. Clockwise circles 4. Counterclockwise circles Start with small pendulums about 12 inches in size. Health Report Stretching: 35 exercises to improve flexibility and reduce pain. One passive shoulder exercise often prescribed during shoulder rehabilitation is called the pendulum or Codman exercise, developed by Edina Codman. Its complex structure and 360-degree range of motion allows for many dynamic and necessary movements.Unfortunately,
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