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Procedures (SOPs) provide operational guidance for responding to an animal health Incident Management System (NIMS) offer Federal agencies and States. The NRF presents the key response principles, identifies the participants and their roles, and describes structures that guide the Nation's response operations. Prepared by the National Incident Management System Consortium Model Procedures Committee This manual combines the information from four existing National Multiagency coordination is accomplished through a comprehensive system of elements. These elements include facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and emergency operations plans (EOPs) that address state and local community HSPD–5 requires all Federal departments and agencies to adopt NIMS and to use Incident Command System, agencies are defined either as jurisdictional (having Field Operations Guide: Durable pocket or desk guide that containsThe NRF is applicable to all Federal departments and agencies that participate in operations requiring a coordinated Federal response. NOTE: The NRF is a guide
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