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Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch Yet Another BlueDump MOD from the Homebrew Channel. Section II - Dumping. Press the A Button. Choose Installed Channel Titles . Find the content you want to dump and press the 1 Button. Choose Backup to WAD. At the prompt to Fakesign the ticket, choose Yes. Yet-Another-WAD-Manager-Mod…zip 4,41 MB. Choose your download method Premium users profit from numerous advantages; For example the download starts instantly and with full speed! Free Download Current waiting period: 30 seconds: Free Premium Download: Premium Download! Fullspeed & simultaneous Downloads Download speed: Yet Another WAD Manager Mod folder name clashes with Riiconnect folder name. Years ago, a friend of a family friend modded my Wii and installed Homebrew through the Twilight Hack and was planning to download some games for me. He ended up moving away before he had the chance though, and I've never touched the Homebrew Channel since because Yet Another Wad Manager Mod r25. Date Added: Thu. Jan 17, 2019. A modification of Waninkoko's WAD Manager for the Wii, it includes many extra features such as (un)installation of multiple WADs at the same time and support for Hermes cIOS v4/v5, see the included "readme" file for a full set of features. Download: Click Download and in a few Wad Manager 1.9 Mod Of His In fact, cwstjdenobs wrote a mod of his app, yawmm (yet another wad manager mod) called YAWMM 4 ModMii that was able to use ahbprot instead of a cIOS (and this was only a week or so after HBC v1.07, so a looong time ago). Wad Manager 1.9 Mod Of His Wad Manager 1.9 Password On Channels Yet Another BlueDump Mod; Yet Another WAD Manager Mod Deutsche Version; Tests & Tutorials. Tests; Tutorials; Suchen. Loader. Mit Loadern für die Wii lassen sich Homebrew-Anwendungen ausführen. Der beliebteste Loader ist der Homebrewkanal, es gibt aber auch noch mehr! HackMii Installer - Homebrewkanal & BootMii NEED HELP WITH YET ANOTHER WAD MANAGER. Exception (DSI) occured! with a whole bunch of codes then lower down it says stack dump and lower down it says code dump. Just wanted you to know that 100 days later this post solved my problem. Thanks fellow Mac-using-wii-hacker. That could mean that your WAD file is corrupt, or maybe you didn't choose Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 172 lines (108 sloc) 5.44 KB Raw Blame =YET ANOTHER WAD MANAGER MOD (YAWMM)= == [ DISCLAIMER ]:== THIS APPLICATION COMES WITH NO WARRANTY AT ALL, NEITHER EXPRESSED NOR IMPLIED. NO ONE BUT YOURSELF IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR WII CONSOLE BECAUSE OF A IMPROPER USAGE OF THIS SOFTWARE. A Savegame Manager with a wii-like user interface dj_skual: Starfall: Patches the System Menu to remove limitations Crediar: A simple wad importer Crediar: Wii Home: A new Home for the Wii CashMan's Productions: wii-ntp: Yet Another Wii NAND Dumper: Wii NAND Dumper. Just like the name says. Redbird Wii-Tools Hier findet ihr verschiedene Tools für eure Wii! Diese können ganz verschiedene Sachen machen, wie bspw. versteckte Infos in Spielen anzeigen, mit Systemdateien umgehen oder Speicherdaten sichern. Auch findest du hier bspw. einen Dateibrowser, einen Media-Player und ein Tool, welches RSS-Feeds direkt an deine Pinnwand schickt! I would load wad manager 1.4 and select (ios249) then i would proceed to install a wiiware wad file. It starts off fine but the during "Installing content #X" procedure the screen would either
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