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Wood mackenzie nickel pdf

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LONDON, May 10 (Reuters) - Mining companies need to invest nearly $1.7 trillion in the next 15 years to help supply enough copper, cobalt, nickel and other metals needed for the shift to a low According to Wood Mackenzie (2013) predictions 72% of world nickel will be from laterites by 2022 (see Fig. 1.2). Laterite ores are divided into three main ore types which until now have largely been treated separately to recover the nickel within. ordinary Shares in Nickel Mines Limited (ACN 127 510 589) (Company or Nickel Mines). LODGEMENT & LISTING This Prospectus is dated 7 August 2018 and was lodged with ASIC on that date. It is a replacement prospectus which replaces the prospectus dated 5 July 2018 lodged with ASIC on that date (Original Prospectus). This Replacement Prospectus will be referred to as "this Replacement Prospectus Source: AME Research, SFA (Oxford), Wood Mackenzie 1. Per AME research; reflects average premium on an annual basis 2. Per Wood Mackenzie estimates Nickel demand from automotive batteries (kt) Nickel Sulphate Premium (US$/t)1 Nickel demand by end-use2 31% 8% 2021E 2040E Stainless Steel Battery Precursors Other Applications Exponential growth in nickel demand for battery precursors--$500 $1,000 Nickel being poured at the new Barro Alto plant, which produced its first metal in March 2011. Nickel. 82 Anglo American plc Fact Book 2011/12 NICKEL fInancIal hIghlIghts 2011 2010 2009 2008 Operating margin % 30 0.6 23 12 0 10 20 30 40 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 2010 2011 2009 2008 2007 Anglo American nickel production tonnes Nickel from nickel operations Nickel from platinum NICKEL. Our Nickel business unit comprises two Brazilian operating assets, Codemin and Barro Alto, both . ferronickel producers in the state of Goiás. Nickel demand is linked to the stainless steel . industry, which consumes two-thirds of the metal and all ferronickel production. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS. 2012 2011 2010 2009. Operating margin % 0.6 23 12 8 0 10 20 30 40 0 15,000 30,000 45,000 ANGEL NICKEL PROJECT OWNERSHIP INCREASED TO 80% . Highlights: Comparable companies (on attributable basis) reflect Wood Mackenzie Q4 2020 global production rankings by mines, excluding Nickel Mines which reflects attributable NPI production (for 2020) and attributable nameplate capacity (for Angel Nickel) 7. Reflects Nickel Mines' 2020 attributable production + 80% of Angel Nickel's 85 South Perth Esplanade South Perth WA 6951 F. +61 8 9238 8399 IGO Limited , South Perth WA 6151 Western Australia E. ABN 46 092 786 304 , Page 1 , STRATEGY DAY PRESENTATION , IGO Limited (ASX: IGO) (IGO or the Company) is pleased to attach presentation materials which will be used , The Wood Mackenzie Report included sensitivity analyses of EBITDA and FCF calculations for 1 year of operations of the Hengjaya Mine and RKEF Project on a steady-state ownership basis at a range of nickel prices and +10% and +20% HM mine and RKEF Project operating costs - extracted below. Indicative 1-year steady-state EBITDA and FCF sensitivity analysis at a range of Nickel Prices At 60% RKEF Sources: Company data, Wood Mackenzie, REFINED COPPER CONSUMPTION


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