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Linux commands for devops pdf
















Linux Commands - Finding Files :: find command • Most of the times you login to a system where you don ' t know where the files which you are looking for and definitely need to find those files to do your job. • Finding the files can be done with multiple utilities, yet find command is a very powerful utility available in most of Linux distributions. The best way to do this is: [root@mint rdc]# dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 | gzip -c > /mnt/sdb/images/mbr.iso.gz 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 512 bytes copied, 0.000171388 s, 3.0 MB/s [root@mint rdc]# ls /mnt/sdb/ mbr-iso.gz [root@mint rdc]# Just like that, we have full image of out master boot record. Linux Commands arp -a Display the content of the ARP cache. arp -d IPaddress Deletes the entry with the IP address IPaddress. Command used to trace the route between an origin and a destination IP address IPaddr, where -m indicates the max TTL value and -q indicates the number of queries. E.g. m=2, and q=1. The alias command is simply a way to reference another command. It can be used to avoid repetitive long typing of commands and shell lines and simplify work. Linux Alias Command: Set, Create and Remove Aliases. Alias command in Linux saves a lot of your time and improves your efficiency. Every process in Linux has a unique ID and can be seen using the command ps. $ sudo ps aux. a = show processes for all users. u = display the process's user/owner. x = also show processes not attached to a terminal. 7. Show me the contents. Part of debugging your services is to check for anomalies in your log files. Display the first 10 lines of a file with head command: head [file_name] Show the last 10 lines of a file: tail [file_name] Encrypt a file: gpg -c [file_name] Decrypt a file: gpg [file_name.gpg] Show the number of words, lines, and bytes in a file using wc: Command Name. Description. kubectl delete -f pod.yaml. Remove a pod using the name and type listed in pod.yaml. kubectl delete pods,services -l [label-key]= [label-value] Remove all the pods and services with a specific label. kubectl delete pods -all. Remove all pods. Linux offers a multitude of commands, which can be overwhelming. This cheat sheet provides Linux commands commonly needed by developers, with explanations and screenshots. This cheat sheet includes: A range of basic to advanced commands. Screenshots of command output. Tips from cat to tar -xf somefile.tar.gz. Operating System Linux Most Popular Interview Topics. 1 : Linux OS Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 2 : Linux General Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 3 : Linux IPC Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 4 : Linux System Calls Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. Why Use the Command Line? The Linux Command Line. Fifth Internet Edition Linux commands cheat sheet for devops. Cheatography This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.To know the OS type: $ uname -oTo know the CPU archit ect ure: $ uname -mTo check the kernel version: $ uname -rTo get the OS name, release, version: $ cat /etc/o s-r eleaseTo list the system hardwa re: $ lshwTo get the CPU details: $ lscpuTo check system memory: $ free -hTo check the virtual memory stats: $ vmstat -S mFree memory cache, dentries and inode (with LZone . Home; Video Tutorials; SaaS Multi-Status; cheat-sheet. Automation. Ansible; Bower; Chef LZone . Home; Video Tutorials; SaaS M


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