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It helps convert low level signals from temperature sensors such as RTDs and TCs into current signals and is capable of transmitting long distances through noisy plant environments. The STT170 line consists of three temperature transmitters and one configuration tool: STT171 - Analog output, RTD-only sensor input Housings for STT 3000 Series STT250 SMART TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER EN0I-6032 01/98 Housing Specifications and Dimensional Drawings OVERVIEW Honeywell's STT250 range of Temperature Transmitters can be supplied with a wide variety of enclosures for direct sensor head, 2" pipe or wall mounting. Honeywell, TDC 3000, SFC, SmartLine, PlantScape, Experion PKS, and TotalPlant are STT850 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter User Manual, document number 34-TT- Communicating with Honeywell™ ST3000/STT3000 Smart Transmitters, #TB-960704B . MC Toolkit Modem Code Download Instruction Manual This manual describes the Honeywell STT800 Series Temperature Probe Assemblies function, 1.3 STT800 overview Honeywell's STT 3000 family of microprocessor based smart temperature transmitters includes STT 170, STT250, STT350 and STT800 series of products. While the STT 170, STT250 and STT350 are standalone temperature transmitters, STT800 PM/APM SmartLine Transmitter Integration Manual, Document # PM 12-410 STT850 Series Temperature, Transmitter, Agency IS Control Drawing50091227 Smart Field Communicator Model STS 103 Operating Guide, Document # 34-ST-11-14 Patent Notice The Honeywell STT850 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter family is covered by one or more of the The Honeywell Smartline® Configuration Toolkit (SCT 3000) is a PC Windows-based engineering and maintenance tool that allows easy access to all Smartline configuration database parameters using Windows technology for easy navigation through database configuration without the need for prior training, user manuals or previous experience. To obtain the 'Operator Manual' for the STT 3000 - Series STT250 Smart Temperature Transmitter Models: STT25D, STT25M, STT25H, STT25S and STT25T, please see the attachment on the tab file / related tab. URL Name STT700 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter User Manual, Document # 34-TT-25-17, • Smart Field Communicator Model STS 103 Operating Guide, Document # 34-ST-11-14 Honeywell's Experion or TPS/TDC 3000 control system for HART and DE transmitters. The transmitter is 2-wire powered and gives an output 4-20mA signal linearized to temperature over the 2 power wires. Lead wire compensation is provided for RTD (Resistance Temperature Detectors) and internal digital cold junction compensation is provided for thermocouples. MilliVolt and Ohms sensor inputs can also be accepted. FEATURES STT 3000 SMART TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER Model STT350 EN0I-5222 09/06 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEET OVERVIEW Honeywell's microprocessor based STT350 Smart Temperature Transmitter converts a primary sensor input into an output signal for a conventional 4 to 20mA, two wire loop. Product No. : STT173-BS--000-000-000-00. Product type : STT 3000 Temperature Transmitter. STT173 : 4-20mA Output, universal input. Approval type : BS = Entity. Configuration : 0 = None - Factory Default Configuration Supplied. Optional Certificates : 0 = No Option. Optional Certificates : 0 = No Certificate of Conformance/Origin. STT 3000 Temperature Probe Assemblies Series STT820 -
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