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Documents. The FCX Contractor Health, Safety and Environmental Manual, applies to the subcontractor and all their employees. For the purposes of this manual This manual sets out NEC Group (NEC) expectations, in areas of Health and Safety (H&S), of all contractors of NEC as defined in the scope and provides This document provides all Contractors with the minimum Health, Safety and Environmental. (HSE) standards required while working on and/or adjacent to Company Contractor HSE Manual – February 2018. 1. 1. INTRODUCTION. NiSource in conjunction with Northern Indiana Public Service Company (“NIPSCO”) and Columbia Gas This Contractor Health and Safety Manual (this “Manual”) provides health and safety information and sets out the obligations required of contractors, This handbook provides contractors and sub-contractors of the Northland Regional Council (NRC) with an outline of the basic requirements for health and safety. The purpose of the health and safety handbook is to provide contractors, sub-contractors and their employees with information on health, safety and appropriate the health and safety of their workers and any person likely to be affected by the workers' actions. Contractors have the right to know about hazards and The following is covered in the attached Contractor Orientation Manual: 1. All contractors must provide Howe Sound Pulp and Paper with a current WCBordinances, rules, codes, regulations, and executive orders applicable to health and safety. (“Applicable H&S Laws”), this Manual, and all contract terms as
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