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RFP - 1/2009 DT.16/03/2009. DIT: DCG: RFP - 1/2009. Date: 16 March, 2009 SUB: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR MOBILE PAYMENT SOLUTION. Canara Bank a premium Indian Public Sector Bank having more than 2700 Branches wishes to procure the subject solution for providing mobile payment facility to its customers. We invite sealed offers (Technical Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking BaNCS by TCS & Flexcube by Oracle Add-on Softwares for, Risk Weighted Assets / Capital Adequacy Canara Bank Federal Bank IDBI Bank ICICI Bank Axis Bank ABN Amro Vijaya Bank List of user work class in the system User manual for CBS / Menu options Details of different types of reports generated and Invest in Direct Mutual Funds & New Fund Offer (NFO) Discover 5000+ schemes. Track your portfolio 24X7. Invest Now. Invest In MC 30. MC30 is a curated basket of 30 investment-worthy Aug 18, 2020Jul 18, 2018 canara bank flexcube user manual She laughed at him when he popped one of the cookies in his mouth whole. Bella forgot to tell him they were for nibbling on. Zack was careful not to ask any questions but to let her lead with anything she wanted to tell him. Beyond the glitter and glamour of the Strip, Las Vegas was a CANARA BANK, a body Corporate and a premier Public Sector Bank established in the Year 1906 and nationalized under the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, having its Head office at 112, J C Road Bangalore-560002 and among others is having DIT Office at Naveen Complex, No.14, M G Road, Bangalore- 560 001 Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking Product Description: ORACLE FLEXCUBE CORE BANKING is a product provided to banking institutions, exclusively used by the bank staff, to run various functional modules such as Deposits, Savings Accounts, and Consumer Loans. 3. Pointing Type Accounts / Self Reconciling Accounts. Under BaNCS, the outstanding entries are available through offline reports viz. "Audit BGL accounts age wise break up" and "GL-Outstanding-Accnts" report. 4. Inventory Location. Under BaNCS the set of reports can be generated through VPIS (Valuable Paper Inventory System) 5. Answer: Since Oracle is behind it, Oracle should have some courses on the matter. Simply try and see if your company is willing to provide those courses. Otherwise, find a mentor willing to help you.
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