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Reviews. "As the first complete English translation of this text, this book is a welcome addition to the canon of accessible medieval Byzantine military manuals Request PDF | On May 17, 2019, Nicholas Morton published A Tenth-Century Byzantine Military Manual: The Sylloge Tacticorum | Find, read and cite all the The present work is the first complete English translation of the Byzantine military manual known as Sylloge Tacticorum. It is indeed only a translation, The Sylloge Tacticorum A Tenth-Century Byzantine Military Manual - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or view presentation slides online.This article lists and briefly discusses the most important of many treatises on military science produced in the Byzantine Empire. ISBN 978 1 4744 3105 7 (webready PDF). ISBN 978 1 4744 3106 4 (epub) second, the Byzantine and Arab military manuals, which, being prescrip-. The Sylloge Tacticorum is a mid-Byzantine example of the literary genre of military manuals or Taktika which stretches back to antiquity. It was one of a number This book studies the Sylloge Tacticorum, an important tenth-century Byzantine military manual. The text is used as a case study to connect military manuals
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